That's What She Said....

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Look, look, there it goes..........

.........England's chance of winning the World Cup that is

So much one could say, where do you start? The thing that every England fan has been dreading since t
houghts of this summer's World Cup began to enter our minds has actually happened. Part of me thinks that it was bound to happen, knowing England's luck. The consequences for our chances in the competition could be devastating, despite the fact that the side has so many other top-drawer players. Rooney, however, is the spark. He is the key. His ability to perform on the big stage sets him apart from any other player his age, and most in the world. Let's just hope that, somehow, that determination and strength he demonstrates on the pitch week in and week out will be transfered into a mental toughness that will get him on the road to a quick recovery (hopefully somewhat less than 6 weeks).....


At 12:45 pm, Blogger alasdairwalrus said...

how about force feed him some Believe Bars? I cant think of any other way England have a chance...

At 5:56 pm, Blogger Jon said...

Ah the smell of success...

Not available from Scottish Stores...

At 8:26 am, Blogger Ollie said...

Yeah Alasdair, good look in the world cup...oh wait....


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