That's What She Said....

Monday, July 24, 2006

Some Random Thoughts

Yesterday I discovered that the modern term 'papa' is actually taken from the vocative of the Ancient Greek word 'pappas', which is an endearing term for one's father, 'daddy'.

I learnt this from a Greek mime I'm currently reading, Theocritus XV. Jon MacKenzie and Jon Wayman bought me a Loeb edition of the bucolic poets for my birthday, which has given me the incentive to start preparing for next semester. For your information, our concept of a 'mime' and 'pantomime' is completely the opposite to that of the Ancient Greeks. In my understanding, Ancient Greek mime was quite a common, often vulgar form of entertainment, with more colloquial language and humour, much like our modern day pantomimes.

Due to a project I have been doing at work over the past few weeks, I taken the first steps towards learning French. The grammar of the language is naturally quite similar to Latin, and I think it would be a good skill to posses.


At 11:20 pm, Blogger alasdairwalrus said...

yesterday i discovered that you were a loser. I then learnt from a Scottish mime that i already knew that.

At 7:18 am, Blogger Sven said...

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At 7:20 am, Blogger Sven said...

alors monsieur olivier, comment ca va le francais? t'as été un petit peu silencieux pendant les semaines dernières...mais, tant pis, tu es retourné!

p.s. al's post is priceless - not that i agree with it, but it is priceless :-)

At 5:10 pm, Blogger alasdairwalrus said...

thanks for the support, sven, although I was not going for erudition, rather truth....the truth being ollie's a loser.


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